Membership Information
Our success across the region is a direct result of the tremendous work of our membership. Each member brings a unique perspective and skill set, and healthcare champions that help to advance the Central Texas RAC Mission. Contact us today if you are interested in becoming a member.
Membership benefits:
- Regional collaboration with emergency healthcare stakeholders
- Networking with service-specific professionals, e.g., stroke or trauma professionals have a local forum to discuss and share best practices
- Designation of survey consultation and support
- Exclusive price breaks on select products
- Mediation between and among healthcare entities and providers
- Information repository for a multitude of State-related matters such as news, pertinent legislative updates, and other relevant data
- Equipment check-out in lieu of purchasing, e.g., Stop the Bleed Trainer, Minnie Anne CPR Manikins
- Participation in regional exercises
- Participation in regional performance improvement projects
- Access to exclusive free or discounted training opportunities
- Ambassador of local issues in statewide forums, workgroups, committees, or organizations
A member entity must pay annual Central Texas RAC membership dues to Central Texas RAC. Dues are assessed as follows:
- Hospitals - $1,000
- Air Medical - $1,000
- EMS - $600
- Other member - $175
Failure to pay annual dues will result in inactive membership of that member entity. Dues must be paid in January of each year. New member entities that join during the middle of the year may receive a prorated rate at the discretion of the Central Texas RAC Executive Committee.
Participation Requirements
EMS Provider Agencies
Hospital Members—Trauma and Acute Facilities
Hospital Members—Special Facilities
Non-EMS/Hospital Entities