Regional Training & Educational Opportunities
Central Texas RAC hosts different education opportunities for our members. We have some exciting educational opportunities coming up:
AAAM AIS Course - June 6-7, 2024 in Belton
EMS Stroke CE Case Review - May 21, 2024 at 1000 and 1300 at the COG
Trauma EMS CE - date to be determined
Training Requests - click here to request

Knowledge is power, and no one understands that better than Central Texas RAC. Our team has compiled the necessary resources below to offer valuable training opportunities for our 6-county region. We pride ourselves in supporting training and education for our members and partners. Some of the forms and PowerPoints are below:

SB8 Scholarships for Initial EMS Certifications
If you have ever wondered how to become one of those responders working for an EMS Agency or Fire Department on ambulances, now is a great time to start that education. The RACs have received funds provided by the Texas Legislature through the Department of State Health Services to provide scholarships for initial EMS Certifications. The scholarships cover tuition, books, and the initial National Registry test for EMT - Basic, Advanced EMT (AEMT), and/or Paramedic (EMT-P).
If you work in the Central Texas RAC Region, the first step is to complete the Central Texas RAC SB8 Scholarship application. Once you have reviewed and agreed to all requirements, submit the completed application to Central Texas RAC. Contact Christine Reeves for an application or more information.

Chest Seal Training for Texas Schools Only
Below is the regional chest seal presentation that contains instructor notes. This training is exclusively for our school instructors in Trauma Service Areas L and M. If you have questions about the content or are not sure if you can use the material, please contact RAC staff.